When was the last time you had a dental cleaning? Keeping your teeth clean on a regular basis is essential to maintaining good dental health. An annual dental check-up requires at least one, if not two, dental cleanings. No matter how clean your mouth appears, it is very important for you to have a complete dental examination since gum disease often begins in the early stages.
Why Dental Cleanings are Essential
Dental cleanings are necessary for the health of a patient's teeth and gums. Cleanings are one of the most important parts of a person's oral care routine since they help to remove any plaque or tartar that may result in mouth problems, such as tooth decay. The health of one's mouth is also connected to the health of one's body. The poor health of one's teeth and gums can have a detrimental effect on their overall health, such as heart disease and diabetes. In addition to removing unsightly stains from teeth, dental cleaning can also improve the appearance and confidence of one's smile. Professional dental cleaning should be scheduled every six months according to general guidelines. This is ideal for most people, however, some may wish to come in every three months while others may wish to come in every nine or twelve months.
In Between Cleanings
A healthy mouth is the result of a dental patient providing themselves with good oral care. At least twice a day, every dental patient should brush their teeth thoroughly with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. At least once a day, they should floss their teeth. It is also important to maintain a fresh breath by using a quality mouthwash that keeps bad bacteria at bay. Do you need a dental cleaning? A professional dental cleaning should be scheduled as soon as possible if you have not had one within the past year.
About | Dentist Fort Lauderdale, FL | Florida Smiles Dental Above all else, we here at Florida Smiles Dental want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles! Call us today to schedule your appointment! Florida Smiles Dental, 255 SE 14th St. #200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316; 754-354-0363; floridasmilesdental.com; 9/3/2024; Key Phrases: dentist Fort Lauderdale;