Taking care of your teeth doesn't stop when you become pregnant. Furthermore, maintaining good dental hygiene during pregnancy is essential and beneficial to your general well-being. Tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental disorders are more common among pregnant women. Many people, however, have the myth that visiting the dentist during pregnancy poses harmful implications for their baby. If you suffer tooth pain, whether you are pregnant or not, you should see a dentist for a checkup. Gum diseases and other oral health problems are hazardous if left untreated.
Are Dental X-Rays Safe To Use When Pregnant?
Many women are wary of going to the dentist while pregnant since x-rays expose them to radiation. Despite this, current dental x-rays only expose the fetus to small amounts of radiation, and one dose is rarely enough to harm the baby's development. The dentist wears a lead apron and a thyroid guard to protect the baby from radiation.
Aesthetic Used During Pregnancy
Anesthetics are still safe for pregnant women to help relax and relieve pain. It's vital to let the dentist know you're pregnant so they can choose the proper anesthetics and doses. Dentists lower the anesthetic concentration as it contains chemicals that constrict blood vessels. On the other hand, the dentist uses a lower anesthetic concentration to alleviate pain.
Does Root Canal Affect Pregnancy?
It is agonizing when tooth decay reaches the nerve ends. Root canal therapy relieves pain by removing diseased tissue and replacing the tooth with a natural-looking crown rather than extracting the tooth. In a dental emergency, a root canal can be performed at any stage of pregnancy and should never be postponed. However, since x-rays are often required, dental surgery is best performed during the second trimester. If an x-ray is not required for the root canal, the procedure can proceed. Contact us now and have your schedule booked for quality dental services while you are pregnant.
About | Dentist Fort Lauderdale, FL | Florida Smiles Dental Above all else, we here at Florida Smiles Dental want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles! Call us today to schedule your appointment! Florida Smiles Dental, 255 SE 14th St. #200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 \ 754-354-0363 \ floridasmilesdental.com \ 9/5/2024 \ Related Terms: dentist Fort Lauderdale \